National Archaeological Museum of Venice

Restoration works

Preserve and restore

After the catastrophic flood in 1966 René Maheu, the UNESCO General Director at that time, asked for an international help upon request of the Italian Government.
Over fifty private committees were created  in different countries in response to this call. Their aim was to plan projects to promptly contribute to restoration works.

International private committees are still collaborating with the National Archaeological Museum of Venice.

Here are the most recent projects of preservation and restoration achieved by Patrizia Toson with the support of Save Venice Inc.

Portrait of Ptolomy III Euergetes (inventory nr 120), 3rd century BC, Greek marble, cm 20 x 43x 30, room 6.
Conservative restoration work financed by Save Venice Inc. with the contribution of  Robin Rowan Clarke and Thomas Clarke in honor of  professor Richard Brilliant (April 2018).

Images 1, 2 End of  work. Image 3 Initial situation. Image 4 Initial situation, detail.

Head of Satyr (inv. nr 129), Imperial Roman Age, white marble,  h 25 cm, room 8
Head of Meleager (inv. nr 138), Imperial Roman copy from a Greek original by Skopas dating back to 340 BC, white marble, h 33 cm, room 5.

Conservative restoration works financed by Save Venice (June 2019)

Image 1 Satyr, end of work.  Image 2 Initial situation. Image 3 Initial situation, detail of the sediment covering its hair.

Image 4 Meleager, end of work. Image 5 Initial situation, detail of the sediment on its hair.

Marine Venus,  (inv. nr 253), 150 AD, Greek marble, h 145 cm, room 8

Conservative restoration work financed by Save Venice with the support of Patricia Fortini Brown and Sarah Blake McHam (July 2020).

Image1 End of work. Image 2 Initial situation, detail of the left foot with chromatic alteration of the nails. Image 3 Detail of the 18th- century remake of feet .

Head of athlete  (inv. 244), beginning of the 3rd century BC, Greek marble,  h 27 cm, room  6

Conservative restoration work financed by Save Venice with the support of  Mary Ellen Meehan (September 2020)

Image 1 End of work.  Image  2 Initial situation. Image 3 initial situation, detail of the face.

Head of Satyr (inv. nr 223), 2nd century AD, Greek marble, h 22 cm, room 8

Conservative restoration financed by Save Venice with the support of  Frank and  Phyllis Angello (March 2021)

Image 1 End of work, Image 2 Initial situation. Image 3 Initial situation, detail of the sediment on the hair.

Everyday 10 am – 6 pm (except January 1st and December 25th)

17, St. Mark Square, Venice Italy
Entrance from the Museo Correr